The conference took place between August 31st-September 2nd 2022. We thank all the participants and wish to see You again in our next conference!


We are delighted to welcome you to the 10th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association’s (ESA) Sociology of Emotions Research Network (RN11). 

The Midterm Conference will be hosted in 2022 by the University of Hamburg, Germany, at the chair of Social Analysis and Social Change (Sighard Neckel) and is jointly presented by the DFG-Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies” at Freie University Berlin (

The Conference will take place from August 31st– September 2nd, 2022 in a hybrid format (in person & online sessions).

Keynote Speakers

Sighard Neckel

Grudge: The Emotional Side of Resentment

Due to the rise of radical right-wing movements and the political flourishing of conspiracy myths, sociology in recent years has increasingly focused on the functioning of resentment. However, little attention has been paid to the fact that resentment is not only a specific attitude, but is also accompanied by typical emotions. Grudge is that emotional side of resentment and forms the affective ground of resentful attitudes. In my keynote, grudge will be explained in its phenomenological characteristics, its emotional structure, its historical changes and its current social and political significance.

Olga Sabido Ramos

Emotions and Senses: Experiences, practices, and sensory networks

The main purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical-methodological approach with particular emphasis on emotions and senses. Although the sociology of the body (Turner, 1989) and the sociology of emotions (Flam, 2012; Bericat, 2016) have traveled parallel paths, their trajectories have separated, and it is not always clear how it is possible to relate them methodologically. However, I propose that in the field of sensory studies (Howes, 2014), a bridge can be established that convincingly links senses and emotions with significant analytical potential. In this talk, I will emphasize the articulation between senses and emotions from the field of the sociology of the senses (Simmel, 2009; Vannini et al., 2012), and particularly from three analytical levels and their respective methodological resources: experience, practices, and sensory networks between human and non-human entities. I will recover some research findings I have carried out about the urban sensory experiences in my context, Mexico City.

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